html> We are becoming jedi's one by one

Cammie.Born to be a jedi and likes to bully my lamb. My lamb is weird and it baaaas a weird sound.No Trespassing on my road and MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!


THE LAST SEC2 EFL TOGETHER! Sunday, 14 March 2010 Sunday, March 14, 2010
10-13th MARCH 1st day: We did outdoor cooking . I partner with yu jin and vanessa. We were busing removing dirt from the water:) Then I separate the eggy!DID river crossing and sing songs! First to go for it!

2nd day: We did high elements and low elements.

3rd day: Trekking and singing songs. Campfire lots of lightstick! Finally chalet! Stay up until 2!( will tell you next time)


This drawing is to delicate to everyone:

Fun fun fun Friday, 20 November 2009 Friday, November 20, 2009
" IT"S THE BEST DAY EVER.............................BEST DAY EVER" CHARACTERS: -Spongebob: ME - Patrick:Li Jun - Sandy:Angie Heard this song before? It's from spongebob squarepants. Went to Naomi's house today and cook omelette. Delicious. Then went to IMM ; took shuttle bus there you know. First we stop for free milkshake. Then we played arcade over and over again.DIDN'T get it the first time but got 1 spongebob a few more times later. Once the spongebob got pushed up by the scoop and land on the slide. HAHA Miracle: The guy came and open up the thing and put more keychains and put the spongebob ( Not 1 but two) near the edge for us. I want to go there and play again. Shall we? Who wants to go? Register now before it's too late! Names: -Li Jun -Angie -ME HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Stop

Trip.....never thought that it could happen Monday, 16 November 2009 Monday, November 16, 2009
Back from thailand. Got stomach flu together with my brother and sister. 1st day: -my father was sick. - ate pizza company :) - went to 555 2nd day: - played guitar hero at the arcade - eat auntie anne's very cheap ^^ - eat noodles 3rd day: -nothing much the same activity as the 1st and 2nd day. -bought tent - bought new swimming costume 4th day: -my 2nd aunt and 3rd aunt came. -went to eat MK( steamboat) - went back hotel to sleep - ate 2 pack of cup noodle for breakfast - bought lots of tao kae noi :) 5th day: - ate R burger - ate noodle - walked around siam - Bought SNSD new album :) - got stomach flu, vomit 4 times - my sister and brother got it too

Bored...Li Jun FORCED me to post Monday, 9 November 2009 Monday, November 09, 2009
Ok .Li Jun forced me to post and I am going to say THANK YOU to lamb and post a video of my brother. REMEMBER to tag. OK!

boredom is .... Wednesday, 23 September 2009 Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I am so bored. You know that I am so pack this week that i have countless of sleepless nights. But you know what? I slept during chinese lesson and teacher did not scold me. I am kinda sad because i am going to miss home economics and then i cannot sew. Finally, i can skip the mass thingy and i took some photos before leaving the school for CIP. Here are some photos:(WARNING: SERENE YOU ARE GOING DOWN,YOU ARE LUCKY THAT I DIDN"T POST IT!

Linkage Monday, 21 September 2009 Monday, September 21, 2009
Please go to this URL: Want to know what is it about, it is about The ultimate Phineas and Ferb quiz. Try it! It is created by me! So support me!

Life is so boring without...... Tuesday, 8 September 2009 Tuesday, September 08, 2009
I have come to a conclusion on those people who i hate but i have realised that friends are not what you think. They maybe an angel for a sec but not for long. Soon, my revenge can come and attack the gang who stole my stuff. HAHAHA! Wait! Has anyone memorise their scrip? This is what all those lines is talking about and it is so drama! If you don't get it,............. it's alright or NOT!;)